C-Roads at the ITS World Congress in Copenhagen
Under the title of "C-ITS deployment becoming reality in Europe by 2019", the C-Roads special interest session in Copenhagen will focus on the current deployment activities undertaken all across Europe and will show how single European countries are prepared for C-ITS service provision by 2019.
Speakers will include Claire Depré of the European Commission (DG MOVE), Eric Ollinger of DGTIM France, Manfred Harrer of Austrian road operator ASFINAG, Ilkka Kotilainen of the Finnish Transport Agency as well as Alenka Kosic of Slovenian road operator DARS d.d. and Ana Isabel Blanco Bergareche of DGT. Ministerio del Interior from Spain.
For giving congress participants a proper hands-on feeling of C-ITS, the C-Roads Virtual Reality demonstration will be showcased again in Copenhagen. The VR demo shows a set of C-ITS Day-1 services that can be accessed individually, allowing users to experience the benefits of applied C-ITS to comfort and road safety. In addition, the demonstration offers a “hover-over” perspective where users can see the information flow between traffic management centre, road side units and cars for each use case.
For more information, please check out the preliminary programme.