C-Roads has launched its Virtual Reality demonstration
Harmonisation takes place on various levels throughout the whole service chain of C-ITS. A comprehensive approach as pursued by the C-Roads Platform must also involve the end users by explaining to them in a simple and entertaining way the beneficial impact that C-ITS can have on their daily driving. For this to be achieved, C-Roads makes use of a Virtual Reality (VR) application where users can get a hands-on feeling of how C-ITS services work.
The C-Roads VR demonstration shows a set of C-ITS Day-1 services that can be accessed by the users individually, allowing them to experience the benefits of applied C-ITS to comfort and road safety. In addition, the demonstration offers a “hover-over” perspective where users can see the information flow between traffic management centre, road side units and cars for each use case.
The demonstration was showcased recently at the Transport Research Arena in Vienna and at the TEN-T Days in Ljubljana. The feedback from the vast amount of visitors was stunningly positive, including pupils and students, people who have never heard of C-ITS before as well as researchers and engineers up to EU representatives and ministers, and also C-Roads Platform members.
The demonstration is built up on a modular concept that allows for further Day-1 services to be added, also in national context. As deployment progresses, Day-1.5 and Day-2 services can and will be demonstrated as well. In this way, the C-Roads Platform emphasises once more its holistic focus on harmonisation of C-ITS throughout Europe.
